Each month our President, Anne Kenyon provides an update for the local business community courtesy of The Bush Telegraph. In the article you will read the latest news and updates, or positive ponderings from Hornsby Chamber on local life in business. Check your letterbox for your latest printed monthly copy!
The March 2021 issue is out now and we urge you to have a good read and find out more about your local community. It’s a great read and we love it!
By Anne Kenyon, President, Hornsby Chamber of Commerce
With special thanks to the Bush Telegraph
In 2010 Simon Sinek went viral with his TED talk, Start with Why. Since then, over 13 million people have watched his talk on how great leaders inspire action. If you haven’t seen it, I strongly recommend that you do.
Here at the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce we have recognised the importance of our ‘why’ and in 2020, we took time to identify the key values that are at the heart of every decision we make.
Of our values, it is the first one, connection, that is arguably the most important.
Human beings crave connection, and it is the businesses that are thriving who are connecting the most effectively with their clients – both in person and using other effective methods like social media.
Love it or loathe it, social media is a powerful way for us to keep connected and share our stories and our offerings with our audiences.
We love sharing our member news on our social media platforms, so if you haven’t already, like us on FB @HornsbyChamberofCommerce & Insta @HornsbyChamber to hear our latest news and get connected.
To view the full March Bush Tele issue online, click here!
Special thanks to The Bush Telegraph for allowing the Hornsby Chamber of Commerce to post its column on our website each month. For more about the Bush Tele and to see the full issue, visit www.thebushtele.com.au or follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/BushTelegraphWeekly.com.